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Fun Things to Do When You Visit Hawaii

When you want to get away to a sandy vacation spot, you can join the millions of others from Japan, the United States and many other places and visit Hawaii. No sooner than their landing at the Honolulu International Airport, they can get into cab or bus that will take them to their hotel. They’ll travel down past the downtown area and reach the Waikiki hotel of their preference.

Why is Waikiki so popular? For starters, the streets are always busy, the beach sounds are soothing and there are so many historical spots to visit. There are so many things to see in Waikiki including the vast variety of people who speak different languages or are dressed in their swimsuit best.

However, if you want something more than the beach, then seeing Oahu is a must. Listed below are some of things you can see and do:

Magic Island Beach Park
Leong’s Café
The Contemporary Museum Honolulu
Honolulu Chinatown

Magic Island Beach Park – If you want to still enjoy the beach and have a barbecue at the same time, then it’s time to visit this spot. There is far less people at these beaches than anywhere else. You can also enjoy its jogging path and enjoy the Hawaiian culture it offers.

Leong’s Café – Care to try some Hawaiian food that’s not at a lu’au? Try the Leong’s Café.

The Contemporary Museum Honolulu – This museum is rather small but elegant. It has five galleries and a garden of sculptures. These sculptures sit on three and half acres that are open to the public.

Honolulu Chinatown

When you walk through Chinatown, you notice you can find all sorts of items on the sidewalks. Some stores are rather exotic, others not so much. However, there are many things that cannot be found in an American store. If you are looking for a souvenir of some type or a food product, this is the place to go.

If you want to see the historic district, there are walking tour guides who offer their services and can give you some background. If you want to see the real Oahu, then get out of Waikiki and see it.

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