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There’s Something About Italy

When you hear the name Italy, what immediately comes to mind? Apart from being the 2006 FIFA world cup champions (congratulations on that), Italy is also well known for its beauty. The captivating scenery blends nicely with their culture, and not to mention the unique Italian cuisine just bursting with cheese. It certainly explains why the country is a popular destination for many.

The sights of Italy are best seen while cycling which is in itself a popular activity. However, with so many attractions, it may take some time for us to fully appreciate the county’s splendour. This is indeed an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the guided tours available. Guides usually highlight the history behind the sights and help us appreciate them even more. Let us explore a handful of these tours to better compare the services provided.

Road to Italy Company

Having over ten years of experience, the Road to Italy is definitely one of the better known touring agencies available. Not only will they take you around the city, their guides provide information on all its attractions. Their service includes both specific tour packages (a set of interesting sites) and customized destination tours (flexible). Private tours are charged at higher rates, but it would be well worth it in the case of romantic outings.

Gap Adventures

Gap Adventures is highly motivated towards customer satisfaction. They too have much experience in the touring business and focuses on Italian tours. Similarly, Gap Adventures also allows customers to customize their tours by selecting places of interest. While some customers are happy with its wide range of tour options, the charges are said to be somewhat higher compared to other companies.

Access Italy Company

Dedication and experience are the company’s main attributes. Access Italy is one of the earliest to establish their business in touring. Their success is testimony to their experience and quality of service.

There are many other touring companies out there. Be sure to compare the rates and the services provided when making plans.

Happy touring!

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